





// ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev

// archlinux
sudo pacman -S libpcap

// mac
sudo brew install libpcap-dev


go get github.com/google/gopacket


package main

import (

func main() {
    devices, err := pcap.FindAllDevs()
    if err != nil {

    for _, device := range devices {
        for _, address := range device.Addresses {
            fmt.Printf("IP : %s\n", address.IP)
            fmt.Printf("NetMask : %s\n", address.Netmask)


pcap.go文件下定义了Interface和InterfaceAddress这两个结构体,这两个结构体里包含了网络设备的一些常见的信息,如Name(设备名称), Description(描述)等字段,FindAllDevs()方法最终返回的是一个Interface结构体数组和error.它的源码如下所示:

// Interface describes a single network interface on a machine.
type Interface struct {
    Name        string
    Description string
    Flags       uint32
    Addresses   []InterfaceAddress

// InterfaceAddress describes an address associated with an Interface.
// Currently, it's IPv4/6 specific.
type InterfaceAddress struct {
    IP        net.IP
    Netmask   net.IPMask // Netmask may be nil if we were unable to retrieve it.
    Broadaddr net.IP     // Broadcast address for this IP may be nil
    P2P       net.IP     // P2P destination address for this IP may be nil

// FindAllDevs attempts to enumerate all interfaces on the current machine.
func FindAllDevs() (ifs []Interface, err error) {
    alldevsp, err := pcapFindAllDevs()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer alldevsp.free()

    for alldevsp.next() {
        var iface Interface
        iface.Name = alldevsp.name()
        iface.Description = alldevsp.description()
        iface.Addresses = findalladdresses(alldevsp.addresses())
        iface.Flags = alldevsp.flags()
        ifs = append(ifs, iface)

实时捕获流量的关键函数是OpenLive(device string, snaplen int32, promisc bool, timeout time.Duration)方法,这个方法接受4个参数分别是:

  1. device: 设备名称

  2. snaplen: 每个数据包读取的最大长度

  3. promisc: 是否将设备接口设置为混杂模式
  4. timeout: 超市时间,如果设置为30秒,则每三十秒刷新一次数据包。设置成负数则会立刻刷新数据包





package main

import (

var (
    iface = "eth0"
    snaplen = 1024
    promisc = false
    timeout = pcap.BlockForever
    filter = "tcp and port 80"
    devFound = false

func main() {
    devices, err := pcap.FindAllDevs()
    if err != nil {

    for _, device := range devices {
        if device.Name == iface {
            devFound = true
    if !devFound {
        log.Panicf("device named %s does not exist\n", iface)

    handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(iface, snaplen, promisc, timeout)
    if err != nil {

    defer handle.Close()

    if err := handle.SetBPFFilter(fileter); err != nil {

    source := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())

    for packet := range source.Packets() {


  1. 调用gopacket.Layer()方法,该方法接受一个协议层的类型
  2. 使用类型断言,断言其协议层的类型
package main

import (

var (
    device string = "eth0"
    snapshotlen int32 = 1024
    promis bool = false
    err error
    timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
    handle *pcap.Handle

func decodePacket(packet *gopacket.Packet) {
    ethernetLayer := packet.Layer(layers.LayerTypeEthernet) // 调用Layer方法
    if ethernetLayer != nil {
        ethernetPacket, _ := ethernetLayer.(*layers.Ethernet) // 对其进行类型断言,断言其对应的协议层
        fmt.Printf("source mac address : %s\n", ethernetPacket.SrcMAC)

func main() {
    handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(device, snapshotlen, promis, timeout)
    if err != nil {
    defer handle.Close()

    packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
    for _, source := range packetSource.Packets() {



// Layer represents a single decoded packet layer (using either the
// OSI or TCP/IP definition of a layer).  When decoding, a packet's data is
// broken up into a number of layers.  The caller may call LayerType() to
// figure out which type of layer they've received from the packet.  Optionally,
// they may then use a type assertion to get the actual layer type for deep
// inspection of the data.
type Layer interface {
    // LayerType is the gopacket type for this layer.
    LayerType() LayerType
    // LayerContents returns the set of bytes that make up this layer.
    LayerContents() []byte
    // LayerPayload returns the set of bytes contained within this layer, not
    // including the layer itself.
    LayerPayload() []byte


// Ethernet is the layer for Ethernet frame headers.
type Ethernet struct {
    SrcMAC, DstMAC net.HardwareAddr
    EthernetType   EthernetType
    // Length is only set if a length field exists within this header.  Ethernet
    // headers follow two different standards, one that uses an EthernetType, the
    // other which defines a length the follows with a LLC header (802.3).  If the
    // former is the case, we set EthernetType and Length stays 0.  In the latter
    // case, we set Length and EthernetType = EthernetTypeLLC.
    Length uint16


type Packet interface {
    //// Functions for outputting the packet as a human-readable string:
    //// ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // String returns a human-readable string representation of the packet.
    // It uses LayerString on each layer to output the layer.
    String() string
    // Dump returns a verbose human-readable string representation of the packet,
    // including a hex dump of all layers.  It uses LayerDump on each layer to
    // output the layer.
    Dump() string

    //// Functions for accessing arbitrary packet layers:
    //// ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Layers returns all layers in this packet, computing them as necessary
    Layers() []Layer
    // Layer returns the first layer in this packet of the given type, or nil
    Layer(LayerType) Layer
    // LayerClass returns the first layer in this packet of the given class,
    // or nil.
    LayerClass(LayerClass) Layer

    //// Functions for accessing specific types of packet layers.  These functions
    //// return the first layer of each type found within the packet.
    //// ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // LinkLayer returns the first link layer in the packet
    LinkLayer() LinkLayer
    // NetworkLayer returns the first network layer in the packet
    NetworkLayer() NetworkLayer
    // TransportLayer returns the first transport layer in the packet
    TransportLayer() TransportLayer
    // ApplicationLayer returns the first application layer in the packet
    ApplicationLayer() ApplicationLayer
    // ErrorLayer is particularly useful, since it returns nil if the packet
    // was fully decoded successfully, and non-nil if an error was encountered
    // in decoding and the packet was only partially decoded.  Thus, its output
    // can be used to determine if the entire packet was able to be decoded.
    ErrorLayer() ErrorLayer

    //// Functions for accessing data specific to the packet:
    //// ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Data returns the set of bytes that make up this entire packet.
    Data() []byte
    // Metadata returns packet metadata associated with this packet.
    Metadata() *PacketMetadata

1、创建 httpStreamFactory 结构体,实现 tcpassembly.StreamFactory 接口


streamPool := tcpassembly.NewStreamPool(streamFactory)


assembler := tcpassembly.NewAssembler(streamPool)


assembler.AssembleWithTimestamp(packet.NetworkLayer().NetworkFlow(), tcp, packet.Metadata().Timestamp)

package main

import (


var (
    device string = "eth0"
    snapshotlen int32 = 1024
    promis bool = true
    handle *pcap.Handle
    timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
    err error

type httpStreamFactory struct{}

type httpStream struct {
    net, transport gopacket.Flow
    r               tcpreader.ReaderStream

func (h *httpStreamFactory)New(net, transport gopacket.Flow) tcpassembly.Stream {
    hstream := &httpStream {
        net: net,
        transport: transport,
        r: tcpreader.NewReaderStream(),
    go hstream.run()

    return &hstream.r

func (h *httpStream)run() {
    buffer := bufio.NewReader(&h.r)
    for {
        req, err := http.ReadRequest(buffer)
        if err == io.EOF {
        } else if err != nil {
        } else {
            body := tcpreader.DiscardBytesToEOF(req.Body)
            defer req.Body.Close()

func main() {
    handle, err = pcap.OPenLive(device, snapshotlen, promis, timeout)
    if err != nil {

    streamFactory := &httpStreamFactory{}
    streamPool := tcpassmbly.NewStreamPool(streamFactory)
    assembler := tcpassmbly.NewAssembler(streamPool)

    packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())

    packets := packetSource.Packets()
    ticker := time.Tick(time.Minute)

    for {
        select {
            case packet := <-packets:
            if packet.NewworkLayer() == nil || packet.TransportLayer() == nil || packet.TransportLayer().LayerType() != layers.LayerTypeTCP {
            tcp := packet.TransportLayer().(*layers.TCP)
            // 重组数据包
            assembler.AssembleWithTimestamp(packet.NewworkLayer().NetworkFlow(), tcp, packet.Metadata().Timestamp)
            case <-ticker:
            assembler.FlushOlderThan(time.Now().Add(time.Minute * -2))

that's all

results matching ""

    No results matching ""